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Crusader Hose at-the-ready for bush fire season

With the official start of bushfire season in many states already in place, it’s time to encourage the volunteer rural fire brigades to take stock of their equipment. It’s also time for property owners to review their fire safety plan and ensure all equipment is in working order. Crusader Hose, Australia’s manufacturer of the largest range of fire hose, is well-stocked to assist anyone in need of a reliable fire hose this bushfire season.

According to the AFAC’s Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2021, above-average maximum winter temperatures and a large amount of rainfall over eastern Australia this spring have given rise to a lot of grass and crop growth. These higher-than-normal temperatures are also causing the grass to dry out, adding risk to those regions. Southern Queensland, northern New South Wales and Western Australia are all predicted to have above-normal fire potential. At the time of writing, two grass fires are already burning in Queensland. Although contained and with no risk to property, every fire needs to be managed effectively.

South-eastern Australia is still recovering from the devastating 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires and presents a normal to lower-than-normal fire potential. The likelihood for bush fires always exists, however, as there are areas that were left unscathed. With a large investment in bushfire protection from the state government, Victorian fire services are recruiting 600 seasonal firefighters for the upcoming fire season.

Crusader Hose is committed to supporting fire brigades and their resellers all year-’round and ensures the warehouse is especially well-stocked during bushfire season. Coated and uncoated fire hose in 25 mm and 38 mm diameters are available in standard 30 m lengths. For domestic property protection, Fire Hose Kits are on offer. The kits feature the Excalibur uncoated fire hose pre-fitted with a BSP nozzle to connect directly to a water pump and come with a shut-off nozzle. Once removed from the packaging, the hose is ready to unroll, connect and use. Crusader Hose strongly recommends purchasers practise connecting and using the hose prior to need.

Crusader Hose has been manufacturing fire hose at their Bayswater factory for 35 years and is a supplier to Victoria’s Country Fire Authority (CFA), plus numerous fire customers such as Wormald and Chubb.

“Last year’s diabolical fire season left many customers desperate for fire hose. Many store-owners made urgent phone calls and placed orders for more and more lengths of fire hose. After exhausting our stock, we kept the factory running 24/7 until we filled every single order. Customers were thrilled to have their hose within 2-3 days after placing the order. That’s one of the benefits of doing business with an Australian manufacturer,”

Francois Steverlynck, Managing Director of Crusader Hose.



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