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Mine Dewatering using Waterlord®

Large mine in WA uses Layflat Hose for mine dewatering

Using the Crusader Layflat Hose System for mine dewatering has recently been demonstrated to be an efficient method at a large mine in Western Australia. Waterlord® layflat hose deployed by the Hamersley™ reel drive unit from Crusader Hose proved to be a labour-saving and time-saving way for the mine operators to move excess water.

During a recent trip to the Pilbara in Western Australia, Francois Steverlynck, Managing Director of Crusader Hose, saw first-hand how well the Crusader Layflat Hose System performs. In what was a challenging operation, the relative ease and speed of installation, safe handling, and efficient use of mine operators demonstrated the system’s efficiency.

Transferring water from deep pits to the ring main often proves challenging if not using the best dewatering system. The Crusader Layflat Hose System has been specifically designed to increase pumping efficiencies and safety benefits when moving water out of deep pits. The key advantage of using Waterlord® layflat hose is its flexible nature. When comparing rigid pipe systems with Waterlord®, this flexibility makes Waterlord® truly unique. “It is often the best way to safely establish the pipelines from inside the pit up to the ring main,” said Francois.

Called to the well-known large mine for his technical expertise, Francois assisted in the operation of installing the dewatering system from deep inside the open cut pit.

The flexible layflat hose was easily laid down the rugged high pit wall using rope. The Waterlord® hose pipeline was unwound at the top and pulled down the pit wall by driving a 4WD inside the pit.

Approximately ten metres of hose on flat ground at the top of the pit provided enough stability for the pipeline to remain securely in place without any tendency to fall down the wall. The Waterlord® system was quickly connected to the ring main, providing high-volume pumping as required. “Many of the operators were impressed by the simplicity of the layflat system. They acknowledged how much harder and riskier it is to install a poly pipeline. Poly is more cumbersome to handle, is heavy and needs anchoring at the top of the pit to ensure it does not slide down to the bottom. They were impressed how layflat hose can handle the pressure and pump water up high pit walls,” said Francois.

The benefit of using the Waterlord® hose does not stop here. As the pit extends and the bore pump is moved, the mine operators can easily relocate the Waterlord® pipeline within the pit to connect it to the next bore. The Hamersley™ reel system makes this handling quick and easy.

Layflat hose from Crusader Hose is durable and reliable. The weaving technology constructs a textile reinforcement that can withstand very high pressures. The polyurethane cover is tough and durable, so can withstand rough use. For example, one can drive a 4WD along the length of the hose to empty the water. A sling can be wrapped around one end, and the empty hose can then be dragged into the new position.

The expanding nature of many open-cut iron ore mines requires dewatering planning so that the ore can ideally be excavated in a dry state. “This required constantly moving pipework and reconnecting. Waterlord® layflat hose has proven to be an efficient and effective product. The operators I have worked with like this Australian-developed system which allows the job to be done safely and quickly,” said Francois.

With very secure couplings that can be fitted on-site, multiple lengths of Waterlord® can be cut to exact lengths and assembled in the pit.

Crusader Hose has several reel systems affording their particular benefits and limitations. As mining projects differ, so, too, are the systems offered. There is a range of options to suit many applications.

Key learnings:

  • Waterlord® hose is proven to be efficient & effective in mine dewatering
  • Hamersley™ Reel System makes handling quick & easy

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Crusader Hose has the capability to customise and produce hose solutions that meet the specific needs of local industry sectors. We are passionate about developing world-quality layflat to suit many applications.

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